爲了(le)保證皮影戲人偶的質量,我尋求了(le)學生們的藝術老(lǎo)師MsMcLoughlin的幫助,兩個部門(mén)爲《暴風(fēng)雨》皮影戲項目進行了(le)合作(zuò),學生們在藝術課中制作(zuò)了(le)精美(měi)的人偶用(yòng)于皮影戲演出,感謝(xiè)藝術部師生們的支持!我們将這(zhè)部戲劇(jù)分成了(le)五個場景,每個場景由一個小(xiǎo)組來(lái)負責。學生們根據我分發的劇(jù)本台詞進行表演,再此要特别表揚J Zhou,她(tā)扮演《暴風(fēng)雨》中的米蘭達,并将莎士比亞的台詞完美(měi)演繹了(le)出來(lái),可見,JZhou在英制8年級的英語文(wén)學課中獲得最高(gāo)分也(yě)絕非巧合,她(tā)的确很(hěn)出色。
- 威雅公學戲劇(jù)部主任 Mr JBridgewater
Aside from the Beijing Opera (京劇(jù)), 皮影戲 - or Shadow Play or Shadow Theatre,is China’s best known theatrical export. When I knew I was coming to teachDrama at Wycombe Abbey International School I was excited to do a Píyǐngxìproject! Every pupil in years 7, 8, and 9, and some pupils in years 10 and 11study Shakespeare at Wycombe. The headmaster himself studied English Literatureat university, and is a big fan of the Bard. As we approached the end of yearexams, I decided to focus our Drama work on the plays the pupils would bewriting exams on.
To assist my Y8 pupils with their knowledgeand understanding of The Tempest, I challenged them to perform the story withshadow puppets. To ensure we used beautiful shadow puppets, I asked their Artteacher, Ms. McLoughlin, to collaborate with me on the project, and I thinkyou’ll agree the puppets the pupils created in their Art lesson are exquisite –thank you Ms. McLoughlin for your input! We divided the play into five keyscenes, and each group were responsible for a scene. I gave them Shakespeareantext to work from, and particular credit must go to J. Zhou who played Miranda,and learnt her lines of the original Shakespearean text! It is no coincidencethat J. Zhou achieved the highest grade in year 8 in English Literature.
I was really impressed with all of thepupils’ knowledge of the play and understanding of the character’s motivations,well done Mr Hamilton in the English Literature department! I hope you enjoythe show!